Thursday, August 16, 2012

35 weeks 4 days

I cannot believe that we are close to a month before we are holding baby girl in our arms! Our house is looking a little more prepared for baby, but there's still stuff to do. We've finished our Lamaze class, so we know how to get her out. We've finished our breastfeeding class, so we know how to feed her. All that's left is a deep clean of the house and waiting for things to arrive in the mail :) We are also going grocery shopping this weekend so that I can make some meals ahead of time and put them in the freezer for after she gets here. I have a few more things to pack in our hospital bags, but then we're ready to go!

At our last appointment, baby girl weighed 5lbs 13oz She went from being in the 41% to 62%. If she gains the 2-2.5lbs that she should gain, she'll be a little over 8 lbs at birth. We got a couple more 3D photos of her on Tuesday. She looks the same as the first but she's DEFINITELY put on some pudginess :) Her cheeks are to die for! So much fluff I love it!

I don't feel like I look like I should be 35 weeks, but at least I finally look pregnant! I can reach my feet, but it's not the most comfortable thing in the world breathing wise. So, Mark gets to paint my toes. He does a FABULOUS job ;) Sleeping is harder, but it's not too bad. I get whiny sometimes. But I'm always grateful to  be carrying this little one.

I've been CRAZY tired! Like I can easily knock out a 3 hour nap each morning. Mark says that he can't wait for the nesting to kick in ;) I can't either because I've got stuff to do! All of her clothes are washed and put away. Her room is arranged. Everything for her is ready to go. Now we're just waiting on her.

I created a pool on facebook to guess when she might make her arrival :) Good luck.........the only prize is bragging rights. It's the "Simple Baby Pool" app.

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