Here is the somewhat grey timeline. It's all just so confusing. We had our first ultrasound at 9 weeks 2 days. Baby G's heartbeat was SUPER strong at 162 beats per minute. The ultrasound technician said that according to Baby G's size, he/she was measuring at 8 weeks 4 days. They weren't going to change our due date because it was close enough to the same date as my last period. When we had our ultrasound on Friday and found out Baby G had passed, he/she was only measuring at 8 weeks 1 day. So, we're assuming that everything happened right after our first ultrasound. Technically we are still pregnant at 13 weeks 3 days right now.
That leads us to needing to get everything taken care of. I didn't realize how involved a D & C was. I'll have to have anesthesia. This is a real surgery and I've never had any kind of surgery at all.
It's really hard knowing that Baby G won't be with us any more after tomorrow at 3:30. Please keep me in your prayers that everything goes well and that physical recovery is minimal.
Sometimes love is for a moment.
Sometimes love is for a lifetime.
Sometimes a moment is a lifetime.
I am so sorry for your lose Heather! This seriously breaks my heart to know you're going through this!! Praying for you and your husband!!